Knife Writer

The den of the thisisaknife team

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bee Muff Update

Our bee muff project kind of tailed off, and fortunately only the most vigilant of viewers pointed this out. The fact is that enough bees just couldn't be found. We'll try again next year that is for sure, but I thought you might be interested to hear that the US government is considering using bees to detect bombs. Apparently, they stick out their proboscis (nectar-sucking device) whenever they get near an explosive. Honestly, maybe all we actually need is bees. They could keep us warm, feed us, provide us with candles, and now protect us. I love bees.

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  • At 12/04/2006 05:24:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bee venom is now being used to kill cancer cells... seriously what can't bees do?


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