Knife Writer

The den of the thisisaknife team

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

To whet to woo

Ah, those Apple adverts. When I saw the Mitchell and Webb ones, I nearly wept. But from weeping to whet your appetite a little for tomorrow's show which we are busily editing now (how else should one spend valentine's day?), here's a little screen shot of a parody we did of those adverts.. And here's a parody made by a guy called Laurie: SEND US MORE BOOT PHOTOS! I NEED AT LEAST 200!!

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  • At 2/25/2007 11:20:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No not mitchell and webb! In the states its two guys from that movie Dodgeball. My macbook pro freezes all the times. Steve Jobs is a lying son of a bitch.


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