Knife Writer

The den of the thisisaknife team

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Under His Knife

Hope you enjoy(ed) today's short show. But that's in the past now. Let us think about the next stage of development. We've got an idea of having this man below (a psychologist called Ivor D Greeinhealth) analysing home footage that he can find on the internet. We've already done some filming and it's funny. But he needs some more home footage. Have you got any? Literally anything - however boring - will be feasted upon by those glasses and eyes of his. Send it in. We'll have fun. The address, as always, is More confessions as well! Father Coonan will involve himself in the sinning of the best ones, and pronounce judgement on your evil. Thankyou. Halleluyah, and Maundy Thursday.

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  • At 2/02/2007 05:16:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't like the Confessions. There! I said it! I think they look a bit forced, and also they don't have much to do with the usual subject of the show, which is the Internet.
    I don't know what guidelines you've been given for the E4 pilot, but I would recommend sticking to the usual format, because I think it's brilliant. The sketches/acting/songs fit nicely around the features on odd Internet crazes, but if it is ALL sketches, it just becomes a sketch show. The sketches work best, I think, when they are an extension of something funny on the Internet - for example, the trouser-panini one (yes yes, I can't remember the real name), the catch-a-perv one, the Vod Idol Daddle riding one, and of course, the McDonalds rap. I think part of what made them brilliant was that they related to something else and made sense in the context of the show. I don't think the Confessions do. So that is my advice. Stick to the usual format, it's usually brilliant.

  • At 2/02/2007 05:20:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually, re-reading that, I realised I used the word "brilliant" far too many times. I remind myself of Ed Blum who kept saying "Fantastic!" all the time. Please forgive me.

  • At 2/02/2007 06:23:00 pm, Blogger Oliver Harvey said…

    fair points. i'm tempted to agree. i'm not entirely sure if it worked, but i just think it's a way that we can use material sent in, and bounce off on to a sketch. So - as opposed to bouncing off from internet 'trends', confessions is the point of departure. Hmm... What does everyone else think?!

  • At 2/03/2007 09:32:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lighten up.

    Sketches can be really funny.

    Consider the metaphor matador...

    Granted thisisaknife is primarily a best of the internet endeavor.

    Confessions is funny. Although I'm a bit pissed off because that was my car stolen and vandalized you bastards!!!!!

  • At 2/04/2007 11:52:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To recap on Guy ropes point, it seems that the pilot is slightly different to the knife cos its basically about videos people have sent in or are already on the internet, rather than the weird world of the internet itself. So, its whether confessions is the best way to link these videos or provide a theme for videos to send in.

    For me, I agree with the first anonymous that the confession videos we saw were a bit forced, plus i can't stop thinking about other vicar figures (r. atkinson etc). But I reckon its still fairly funny. Metador Mataphor would be good to use to analyse existing vidoes on the net (maybe even the really dull straightforward ones), but what about, as guyropes says, points of departure - or ways to theme what videos the pilot will ask people to send in?

    Could Donal be a Simon Cowell figure - perhaps instead of singing, people could send in 1 minute pantomime's or plays, and he could judge in his own inimitable style.

    Perhaps that's a bit shit?

    Another idea is to find the most boring blogs on the net, and then to act the scenes that they talk about out in a sort of reinactment/crimewatch thing - say that guy's pub lunch thing for instance.

    Matt E.


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